Post n°1: "A country I would like to visit"

A country would like I visit is Italia because the history are very interesting. Besides the food is known around the world and the landscapes are incredibly beautiful like Venice, for example. What I know about Italia is that it’s a country full of history, that was part of very important events and that it possesses very artistic and patrimonial constructions. Europe is a region full of events and Italy is not far behind, given the totalitarianism of Mussolini and the roman period. Since I remember it has been one of my great dreams to visit Italy, if I were there I would like to photograph every monument or landscape that draws my attention, tour every space and learn more about its culture. I don’t know if it is a country I would live because I must first meet but I would love to study there and learn a little more about its history and the processes of the region.


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Post 6, postgraduate studies